How I scaled a Women’s Clothing Brand to $2,300,000 In 12 Months With Facebook Ads & Shopify (CASE STUDY)

Sanjeev kumar
2 min readMar 29, 2021


The client was running in negative in ad spent and how i scaled it to over 2.3 million dollars within 15 months

Owner: Name hidden due to NDA

Facebook ad revenue in 15 months: $2,300,000

Average ROAS: 3.11 X

Brand type: Women’s clothing brand

AOV $78

Break even ROAS- 1.6–1.7

What I did:

Performed deep dive analysis

Recognized bottlenecks in the business

Made persuasive ad copies

Deployed ads

Overall strategy

Instead of big collections, the client was dropping 1–2 new products in a week

Ran sales once every 4–5 weeks

My ad strategy

Under $ 150 AOV= Short buying cycles

Ad account structure:

Top of the funnel

Middle of the funnel

Bottom of the funnel

Past purchases

Focus of the budget allocation across funnel+ brand messages

Utilize audience exclusions to decrease the audience overlap

Drip new products across campaigns as they’re dropped

Scale as hard I can

Top of the funnel strategy

Carousels of the best sellers

Small discount for first time buyers

Creative did the selling

Top of the funnel

Middle of the funnel

Bottom of the funnel

Past purchases campaign

Ads for running a sale

